Sat.Aug 24, 2019 - Fri.Aug 30, 2019

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Successful Assistants Combine Left and Right Brain Thinking

Office Dynamics

Several years ago, I came up with Adminology. It was a formula for success for assistants. I still teach Adminology in our World Class Assistant™ certification and designation course because it never changes. Just bear with me as I explain this to you as it will all come together. Assistants should apply the Adminology formula to achieve better outcomes.

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Freelancers and Financial Well-Being

Small Business Labs

One of the ongoing questions around independent/gig work is its impact on the financial well-being of independent workers (freelancers, gig workers, self-employed, etc.).  To better understand this issue, a series of financial well-being questions were added to the MBO Partners State of Independence study survey this year (Emergent Research works with MBO Partners on this ongoing study).

2017 207

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What Does It Really Mean to Be Proactive at Work?

Eat Your Career

The word proactive is often tossed around in the workplace with little context. If you’re reading this article, it’s safe to assume you’ve heard it. Perhaps you’ve even been instructed to “be more proactive.” But you may be wondering what it really means to be proactive at work. This is the critical question that never seems to get addressed—and it’s why so many professionals struggle with the concept.

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Expanding your role

Practically Perfect PA

You worked for years to attain the top title in your job classification, and it felt great to finally achieve it. So, when review time rolled around, you didn’t think much about it. After all, you’d only held the title for a year. But as you prepared for your annual performance review the following year, […].

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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Too Many Meetings!! – Managing My Executives Calendar – Ask an Admin

Office Dynamics

Ask an Admin was created by Office Dynamics to help administrative professionals with their problems through the help of their peers. We don’t always have an answer to each individuals problem but we know some of you might. Please read the question and comment below. April M. asks: My executive’s calendar is jam-packed on a daily basis & she’s asking me to come up with a better solution to managing her calendar.

Calendars 209

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Is Your Home Business Really a Small Business?

Tips From T. Marie

On September 7 th , 2019 I will have run a home business for 12 years successfully. Over that time, I’ve discovered that although my little one-woman show gets categorized as a small business, that moniker doesn’t always fit or benefit my home office operation. According to Small Business Trends, 69% of US entrepreneurs start their businesses from home , and that number is likely to increase.

2019 116
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3 Ways to Overcome Toxic People at Work

On The Job

Many people look back on "toxic" relationships in their personal life and wonder how they could ever be so dumb. They cannot believe they let the other person take advantage of them, destroy their self-esteem and make them feel so isolated from people who truly cared out them. But these relationships don't only happen in our personal lives. They also happen in our professional lives and can have such a negative affect that they can destroy or at least inhibit successful careers.

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Opinions, News And Facts

Brilliantly Better

An opinion is a personal belief about something. It’s just a point of view, at a certain moment in time, coming from a certain person, about a specific situation. News is a group of information on a certain topic, which… The post Opinions, News And Facts appeared first on Dragos Roua.

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FROGs, WFA and Remote Work

Small Business Labs

As we pointed out yesterday , working remotely is increasingly common for both independent workers and those with traditional jobs.  Two recent articles also point this out and add several new buzzwords to our remote work vocabulary. The Harvard Business Review's Is It Time to Let Employees Work from Anywhere? points out there is a new form of remote work emerging which they refer to as "WFA" (work from anywhere).

Lifestyle 119
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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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9 Pro Tips to Improve Sales Operations Efficiency

Small Business CEO

No matter how good your product or service is, without a good sales strategy you can’t achieve much. Here are tips to improve your sales operations efficiency. Do you have a product or service that you believe is a game-changer in your field? Are you trying to come with the best way to make it known to the rest of the world? If so, then you must first come up with a reliable sales strategy so that you can do as much business as possible right away.

Goals 60
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Episode 259: Being a Rare Breed with Ashleigh Hansberger


Ashleigh Hansberger is an award winning brand and business innovator. She was named by Inc Magazine as one of the “Top 30 Under 30” coolest entrepreneurs in America. She is the Co-founder and Chief of Strategy at Motto, a leading branding and digital agency that builds brands for emerging challengers and global brands who want to change the game in their industry.

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Quieting quarrels

The Persistent Assistant

Managing conflict in the office can sometimes be tricky. As an assistant and office professional you need to hone in on your diplomatic, fair nature and remain as neutral as your car at a traffic light. You cannot allow yourself to be sucked in to drama, by remaining professional you ensure that you don’t get dragged into the he-said-she-said saga. Everybody in an office environment will never get on with everybody and this is when you get the opportunity to demonstrate professionalism.

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Boost Your Law Business With These Digital Tips

Small Business CEO

Though you may not be equipped to handle the business side of your law firm, it behooves you to become a competent businessman/woman. Your law firm will need the structure of a traditional business to keep things rolling in the right direction. If you’re looking to get things organized, arm yourself with knowledge. Start now, and read through this brief overview of some digital tips for boosting your law firm’s operations.

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Diagnosis of SEO Needs: Getting Consultants To Fulfill Company Needs

Small Business CEO

It’s hard to be an expert at everything. You have a good handle on the primary focus of your company. But you don’t necessarily know the best course of action when it comes to marketing and promotions. That’s why it’s so vital to recognize your search engine optimization needs. If you don’t feel like you can jump into advanced knowledge on that topic right away, then bite the bullet and pay consultants to fulfill your company’s needs.

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Is It Worth Getting Labour Hire Workers for Your Construction Project?

Small Business CEO

Construction is a fast-moving industry in New Zealand, and it is one of the sectors that are most closely linked with the country’s growth. If you are currently heading a construction project, then , for the most part, you are on the receiving end of good news: About a quarter of New Zealand’s employment growth in 2020 will be in your sector, and construction opportunities will be rife in the wake of a strong population growth and continuing post-earthquake reconstruction efforts in the Canterbu

2020 53
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5 Tips for Small Business Events & Meetings on A Budget

Small Business CEO

Small business events and meetings can be great opportunities to expand your network, draw potential customers, and generally promote your name. Let’s look at 5 tips for doing an event or meeting without breaking the bank. 1. Meeting Management Services Software is Your Friend. If you’re trying to plan events and meetings, you would do well to invest in some good meeting management services software.

Budget 49
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How to Set Up an E-commerce Website that Converts: 5 Tips

Small Business CEO

What’s the point of setting up an e-commerce website if you won’t attract customers? How much you sell online is determined by how much you can influence consumer behavior. Mind you, you cannot force consumers to purchase your goods. However, there is something you can do: You can set up your website in a way that would convert your visitors into customers.

UPS 48
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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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6 Simple Tips for Retaining Your Best Freelancers

Small Business CEO

Hiring freelancers is an efficient and cost-effective way to make up for any skill or manpower deficiencies in your company. What’s more, the contractual nature of hiring freelancers affords you the flexibility you need to stay operational and remain profitable even during off-peak seasons. These make freelancers an indispensable resource for all businesses, especially in the case of SMEs and startups.

Skills 47
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The Key Elements of Professional Letterheads

Small Business CEO

A letterhead is simply a piece of stationary that has a pre-printed heading on the page. It features the person’s name, organization name and address. You can have personal letterhead that has your family’s name, address and other contact information, but letterheads are essential in the business world. photo credit: Genevieve Luna / Dribbble. Let’s address the key elements of professional letterhead and learn why it is so important.

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5 Tips For Successfully Navigating Your Online Business

Small Business CEO

Building a successful online business doesn’t happen overnight. You may be riddled with good intentions, but it takes much more than that to find your way as an entrepreneur. Mastering the art of running an online business means you’ll need to know how to play the game of the web. Don’t wait until your business falls on hard times to get educated. Take a few moments now to check out a few tips that will help you successfully navigate the road to a successful online business. 1.

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Rapid Application Development: Smooth and Effortless Business Processes Automation

Small Business CEO

Some say people are lazy. We are constantly seeking easier ways to do things. We are seeking for someone or something to do things for us. Especially, boring and monotonous things and tasks that require too much attention and repetition. First, we have learned to delegate those tasks to people. Later, we also learned to delegate them to machines. That is how the concept of automation evolved.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Episode 259: Being a Rare Breed with Ashleigh Hansberger


Ashleigh Hansberger is an award winning brand and business innovator. She was named by Inc Magazine as one of the “Top 30 Under 30” coolest entrepreneurs in America. She is the Co-founder and Chief of Strategy at Motto, a leading branding and digital agency that builds brands for emerging challengers and global brands who want to change the game in their industry.

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Episode 259: Being a Rare Breed with Ashleigh Hansberger


Ashleigh Hansberger is an award winning brand and business innovator. She was named by Inc Magazine as one of the “Top 30 Under 30” coolest entrepreneurs in America. She is the Co-founder and Chief of Strategy at Motto, a leading branding and digital agency that builds brands for emerging challengers and global brands who want to change the game in their industry.

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Tips To Consider Before Purchasing a Budgeting Software

Small Business CEO

Budgeting software is essential for your business if you desire to keep track of your revenues, customer information, along with other financial data. Therefore, you must purchase the best budget software you can. For this to happen, you need to do in-depth research on which properties will best suit your business needs. Having a good idea of what your business needs will allow you to find the budgeting software that will best cater, for your day to day operations.

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3 Trade Show Networking Tips for Success

Small Business CEO

Networking is the single most powerful tool you can use at a trade show. You cannot afford to not have your whole staff networking at all times at the trade show. Spend some time before the show perfecting the finer points of your product or service you are providing. Make sure that these come off as conversational and not too pushy. Any connection you make at the trade show could be a potential sale now or down the road.

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.