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What’s The Point Of A Coworking Space?


Coworking spaces offer a diverse and dynamic environment that facilitates networking and community-building opportunities. These spaces provide flexible membership models along with high-quality amenities and infrastructure, such as high-speed internet, modern office equipment, meeting rooms, and additional amenities. Coworking spaces are cost-effective due to shared resources, and they offer significant psychological benefits by combating isolation and enhancing motivation, thereby contributing

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From Disposable to Indispensable: Discover Your Professional Worth

Tips From T. Marie

I don’t usually post articles from my newsletter here or on social media. The idea behind my newsletter is to give subscribers exclusive, valuable content that isn’t available elsewhere. But I’m making an exception with this article about professional worth because I believe it’s helpful to a wider audience, beyond just small and home business owners.


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The U.S. Job Market Is Slowing — Should We Be Worried?


Recent BLS data points to a cooling U.S. labor market with job vacancies declining, slower job gains, and a slight increase in unemployment, reflecting economic uncertainty. Slowing job growth may curb inflation but can reduce disposable incomes, purchasing power, and overall economic output, potentially signaling underlying structural issues like skills mismatches or economic vulnerabilities.

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Mindfulness at Work: How to Audit Your Workspace and Maximize Well-Being


Ever wonder if your workspace is helping you be as calm and efficient as possible? Many of us are so busy trying to get all our work done that we don’t stop to take in and appreciate the environment where we spend so much of our time. With more people trying to manage stress and anxiety while staying as productive as possible, it is imperative to practice mindfulness at work and set up your workspace to boost overall health, well-being and success, whether working from home or in an office.

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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Why is Business Automation a Game Changer for Entrepreneurs?

Tips From T. Marie

If you’ve been a reader here for any length of time, you’ve probably seen me write about automating business processes. But what exactly does that mean? Business automation transforms repetitive tasks from energy drainers into time savers by handing them over to a system. It’s like having a silent, ultra-efficient assistant who works 24/7—no coffee breaks needed!

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Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

Workplace Insight

In my line of work, it is easy to get away with not being au fait with technology. Having previously laughed off my ineptitude saying ‘there’s a reason I work with people not machines!’ I never considered I had a place in the realm of all things IT and computers. Until I discovered AI. More specifically, Deep Neural Networks. With a specialism in Neuropsychology, I was intrigued by a discipline that aimed to recreate that which we barely understand; the human brain.

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How Company Leaders Can Offer Caregiver Support to an Employee


Caregivers provide unpaid support for someone who has a chronic illness or a disability, or for an aging individual who needs care. There are around 53 million caregivers in the United States today. And many of those individuals balance full-time work with their caregiving responsibilities. As the demographics in our country continue to change, more and more caregivers will emerge.

Mentoring 298
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Transforming the Role of Assistants: Redefining Perceptions and Adding Value

Practically Perfect PA

Transforming the Role of Assistants: Redefining Perceptions and Adding Value In today's fast-paced corporate landscape, the role of Assistants has evolved significantly. However, many still grapple with outdated stereotypes that undermine the actual value they bring to organisations. In this article, we delve into transforming the Role [.

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People are spending more time in the office, but no sign of a full return for many

Workplace Insight

Many of the UK’s tech workers are embracing a structured return to spending more time in the office, according to a new report. According to the survey of 2,000 people from Techspace , there has been a ‘notable shift’ towards embracing structured office time, with Monday to Wednesday emerging as the top choices for in-office workdays. The report claims that this preference indicates a growing recognition of the benefits of face-to-face collaboration and a desire for a more traditional office env

2024 114
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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Unraveling The Corporate Control Agenda Behind RTO


The push for return-to-office (RTO) policies is often driven by managerial desires for control and shifting blame for poor performance onto employees, rather than by evidence-based strategies aimed at enhancing productivity and corporate value. Extensive data indicates that flexible work arrangements can lead to higher efficiency, productivity, and employee satisfaction, which contradicts the commonly cited benefits of RTO mandates.

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Tom Wheelwright, CPA, Examines the Advantages of Franchising Your Business


Most people hate taxes. Sales tax. Income tax. Employment tax. Property tax. Every day, these and a host of other taxes are sucking money from hardworking people. In fact, the average person in a developed country spends 25%–35% of their lifetime working to pay taxes. Add in how stressful it can be to pay some of these taxes, and it’s easy to understand the loathing.

2018 276
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Episode 527: Steven Bertrand Talks About Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Meditation


In this episode, I’m joined by Steven Bertrand , who shares his inspiring transition from blogging and web design to becoming a public speaker and a meditation advocate. In this episode, we explore how Steven has overcome significant personal challenges and how meditation has played a pivotal role in his life From tackling physical disabilities to changing career paths, Steven’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of mindfulness in achieving balance and

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What to avoid when managing up

Practically Perfect PA

What to avoid when managing up Are you a new Assistant aiming to excel in your role? As you manoeuvre through the challenges of managing up, down, and laterally within your organisation, it's vital to be cognisant of potential pitfalls that might arise. In this article, we [.

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Bringing workplaces back to their prime requires a holistic approach

Workplace Insight

The pandemic radically changed the way we work and kick-started the proliferation of the hybrid model and widespread remote work. Now the picture has shifted once more, with headlines pointing to increasing return to the office policies introduced by organisations, with greater productivity and collaboration among their top reasons for doing so. Dubbed the year of the ‘Great Office Return’ by Virgin Media 02 Business Movers Index , 2023 saw four in ten companies mandating a return to the five-da

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5 Warnings Signs That You’re About To Be Fired


Declines in industry health, company financial instability, budget cuts, and departmental reorganizations are major warning signs of potential layoffs. Shifts in company culture, exclusion from key meetings, increased workplace gossip, and changes in managerial attitudes can indicate looming job risks. There are eight ways to mitigate the risk of job loss.

Gossip 272
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Giving Back: DKMS Is ‘Deleting’ Blood Cancer, One Donor at a Time


In 1990, Katharina Harf’s mother, Mechtild, was diagnosed with acute leukemia. She needed to find a stem cell donor, and none of her six siblings or other family members were a match. But there was a bigger problem. “Back then, there were only 3,000 donors on the German registry,” says Harf of the country where she was born and raised. “And basically, 3,000 donors is nothing if you want to find a donor.

2004 262
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Episode 528: John Diggs Talks About Unlocking Potential with Mind Mapping


Welcome to this episode where we dive deep into the world of mind mapping with John Diggs , a former NFL player turned coach – but not a coach of the football variety. John brings a unique perspective on how mind mapping has not only transformed his personal life but also how he coaches others to achieve their fullest potential. We explore the broad applications of this powerful tool, from personal development to academic and professional success.

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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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The Importance of OKRs for Assistants

Practically Perfect PA

The Importance of OKRs for Assistants For Assistants looking to drive success and achieve their professional goals, OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are an indispensable tool. By unleashing the power of OKRs, Assistants can take their performance to the next level and significantly impact their organisations. OKRs [.

Goals 130
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Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

Workplace Insight

A new study by Great Place To Work claims that obliging employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates and restricting their choice of work location can have negative consequences for the business. The report based on a survey of 4,400 US workers, claims to reveal a strong correlation between work location flexibility and positive employee experiences.

2021 102
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Future-proofing Workspaces: Top Tactics To Align CRE Choices With Business Needs


The commercial real estate landscape is experiencing a notable shift towards shorter and more flexible lease terms post-COVID, with an emphasis on adaptability to changing business needs. Real estate decisions must align with broader organizational objectives, considering factors like cost reduction, spatial needs, and talent attraction, necessitating a comprehensive evaluation of the total occupancy costs and flexible lease terms.

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As I Enter My 60s, Here’s the Advice I Would Give to My Younger Self


As I approach my 60th birthday, this milestone invites time for reflection, both personally and professionally. Do I have any regrets? Would I do anything differently? I launched into adulthood in the 1980s and ’90s. I graduated high school, went to college and graduate school, got a job, started a family and bought a house. But, with hindsight as the best teacher, I’d both applaud and tweak some of my choices.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Ep 273: Lisa Sprinkles – Senior Executive Assistant at JLL Technologies


Lisa Sprinkles is a Senior Executive Assistant with over 17 years of experience, currently supporting the CEO of Work Dynamics Technology at a global Fortune 500 company. In this episode, Lisa talks about working from home, connecting with assistant colleagues at a global company, and developing your personal and professional brand. LEADERSHIP QUOTE A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. – John C.

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Managing your Executive’s Social Media as an Executive Assistant

Practically Perfect PA

Managing your Executive's Social Media as an Executive Assistant In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, social media management is no longer the exclusive domain of marketing specialists. Increasingly, Executive Assistants are finding themselves in a pivotal role, helping and managing your Executive's social media as an [.

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The Great Resignation has given way to The Big Stay, says the CIPD

Workplace Insight

The luxury belief that was the so-called Great Resignation, appears to be over, even if you assume it ever existed. Workers are increasingly staying put in their current jobs and more employers are holding steady on staffing levels as the labour market slows, according to the CIPD’s latest Labour Market Outlook report. The survey shows more than half (55 percent) of employers are looking to maintain their current staff level – the highest level since winter 2016/17.

2024 111
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What Is The Promotion Paradox? A Critical Issue For Today’s Managers


Modern work demands are driving individuals to seek out roles that align with the values they hold both in their personal-life and at work. 29% of employees quit their jobs within a month after their first promotion. Deloitte finds that a sense of belonging in the workplace can lead to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, and an overall increase in employee job satisfaction.

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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Heading Off on a Road Trip? Use This 7-Item Car Maintenance Checklist Before You Go


National Road Trip Day is May 24, 2024. This holiday honors people who love going on a driving adventure to get to their destination. According to a survey by The Vacationer , road trips are a very popular form of travel, with 75% of respondents saying they plan to take a road trip this summer. To have a successful journey here are some road trip car maintenance tips to get your vehicle ready and to keep it functioning effectively during the trip.

2024 249
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The Role of Reason and Refinement in Productivity


In the pursuit of being truly productive, aligning one’s cognitive strategies and habits with the natural rhythm of the body clock isn’t just wise; it’s a necessity. This alignment requires a blend of two often overlooked and yet pivotal elements in the productivity equation: Reason and Refinement. The Power of Reason in Guiding Productivity Reason, in its purest form, is the ability to apply logical and critical thinking to our actions and decisions.

2004 74
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Ace Your Next Job Interview: A Comprehensive Guide for Assistants

Practically Perfect PA

Ace Your Next Job Interview: A Comprehensive Guide for Assistants Are you an aspiring Executive Assistant ready to take on your dream role? Getting through the job interview process can often feel like a daunting task, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can nail [.