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What’s The Point Of A Coworking Space?


Coworking spaces offer a diverse and dynamic environment that facilitates networking and community-building opportunities. These spaces provide flexible membership models along with high-quality amenities and infrastructure, such as high-speed internet, modern office equipment, meeting rooms, and additional amenities. Coworking spaces are cost-effective due to shared resources, and they offer significant psychological benefits by combating isolation and enhancing motivation, thereby contributing

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Curb Free With Cory Lee: How One Blogger Is Making a Difference in Accessible Travel


My son has multiple disabilities and uses a wheelchair to get around. Despite his physical needs, I do everything I can to get him, and the rest of my family of five, out in the world. It’s not easy. From making sure transportation is accessible to booking an open hotel room to finding excursions we can all enjoy, planning an inclusive trip takes work.


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Need a Mental Health Day? Look for These Signs


We live in a “hustle” culture where productivity is the goal. Yet it’s estimated that more than 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental health issues—struggles that can show up in a variety of different forms. Anything from negative self-talk, an eating disorder, not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, depression or everyday anxiety can impact daily life.

Health 207
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Transforming the Role of Assistants: Redefining Perceptions and Adding Value

Practically Perfect PA

Transforming the Role of Assistants: Redefining Perceptions and Adding Value In today's fast-paced corporate landscape, the role of Assistants has evolved significantly. However, many still grapple with outdated stereotypes that undermine the actual value they bring to organisations. In this article, we delve into transforming the Role [.

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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Not luddite dinosaurs but the sensible voice of caution on AI. And you need to listen

Workplace Insight

In my line of work, it is easy to get away with not being au fait with technology. Having previously laughed off my ineptitude saying ‘there’s a reason I work with people not machines!’ I never considered I had a place in the realm of all things IT and computers. Until I discovered AI. More specifically, Deep Neural Networks. With a specialism in Neuropsychology, I was intrigued by a discipline that aimed to recreate that which we barely understand; the human brain.

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This Is How To Stop Procrastinating And Transform Your Work Ethic


Procrastination crushes career outlooks because it hurts personal growth, mental well-being, and your personal productivity. Some people feel they are more productive on a shorter deadline, but that’s because they are forced to produce work faster out of necessity. Over time, frustration can strain professional relationships and limit future opportunities to collaborate.

Stress 291
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Anne Mahlum Turned $175K Into More than $88 Million. Here Are Her Tips to Scale Your Business


If you learn one thing from Anne Mahlum’s eight-figure success with Solidcore, make it this: Your relationship with money could be holding back your business. If you have a scarcity mindset rather than trusting yourself to go out and make more funds when you need them, it’s going to be hard for you to scale up as an entrepreneur. Also, if you’re micromanaging your talent instead of trusting them, you’re wasting your time.

2024 202
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What to avoid when managing up

Practically Perfect PA

What to avoid when managing up Are you a new Assistant aiming to excel in your role? As you manoeuvre through the challenges of managing up, down, and laterally within your organisation, it's vital to be cognisant of potential pitfalls that might arise. In this article, we [.

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Rigid return to office mandates and fixed places of work are backfiring

Workplace Insight

A new study by Great Place To Work claims that obliging employees back to the office with so-called return-to-office mandates and restricting their choice of work location can have negative consequences for the business. The report based on a survey of 4,400 US workers, claims to reveal a strong correlation between work location flexibility and positive employee experiences.

2021 102
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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Episode 529: Scott H. Young Talks About Getting Better at Anything


In this captivating episode of the podcast, I sit down with the renowned author and self-directed learning enthusiast, Scott H. Young , to dive into the intricacies of mastering new skills and the science of learning. Scott, known for his groundbreaking work on rapid skill acquisition, shares his unique insights into writing, learning, and the critical role of research in personal development.

Skills 60
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Yardi Systems Gets Court Approval To Lead WeWork Out of Bankruptcy


A U.S. bankruptcy judge has officially approved WeWork’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy exit plan. Reuters reports the court approval , which follows months of negotiations. The plan allows the shared office space provider to eliminate billions in debt and transfer the company’s equity to a group of minority lenders and its new majority owner: real estate technology firm Yardi Systems.

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5 Simple Strategies For Cranking Out Weekly Content 

Jennie Lyon

Cranking out weekly content is no small feat. It requires a deep understanding of your audience, a knack for storytelling, and a strategic approach. But why is content so important? As you most likely know, content is king. It’s the lifeblood of your online presence, fueling your marketing engine. Good content can attract, engage, and… The post 5 Simple Strategies For Cranking Out Weekly Content appeared first on Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services Inc.

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Four simple ways to embrace neurodiversity in the workplace

Workplace Insight

It is thought that up to 20 percent of the UK population is neurodivergent and while many companies now are more educated on the need for diversity, many still have some way to go to adapt their workplaces both culturally and physically to ensure these individuals feel they are truly supported, valued, respected and able to the excel in their role. Sadly, a recent study by Birkbeck found that 65 percent of employees with a form of neurodiversity fear discrimination at work, despite companies inc

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Ep 274: Vickie Maldonado on Building Relational Equity with Your Team


Vickie Maldonado has a long career in administration and is currently the business ministry chief of staff at Bayside Community Church in Bradenton, Florida. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Vickie talks about how to keep all of your plates spinning without burning out, building relational equity within a team of assistants, and the difference between executive assistant and a chief of staff.

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Unraveling The Corporate Control Agenda Behind RTO


The push for return-to-office (RTO) policies is often driven by managerial desires for control and shifting blame for poor performance onto employees, rather than by evidence-based strategies aimed at enhancing productivity and corporate value. Extensive data indicates that flexible work arrangements can lead to higher efficiency, productivity, and employee satisfaction, which contradicts the commonly cited benefits of RTO mandates.

Agenda 291
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Fire Away: Vietnam Veteran and Serial Entrepreneur Bob Parsons Talks Psychedelics, PTSD and Philanthropy


In many ways, Bob Parsons is not your typical multibillionaire. A self-made man and Vietnam veteran turned serial entrepreneur and visionary philanthropist, the founder of brands like GoDaddy , PXG and more remains guided by passion and a drive to improve. That spirit is at the heart of his new memoir, Fire In the Hole! The Untold Story of My Traumatic Life and Explosive Success , which is now available for pre-order and is set to be released in May 2024.

AT&T 147
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From Disposable to Indispensable: Discover Your Professional Worth

Tips From T. Marie

I don’t usually post articles from my newsletter here or on social media. The idea behind my newsletter is to give subscribers exclusive, valuable content that isn’t available elsewhere. But I’m making an exception with this article about professional worth because I believe it’s helpful to a wider audience, beyond just small and home business owners.

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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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MIT professor pours cold water on the prevailing hype about AI and the economy

Workplace Insight

A study by MIT economist Daron Acemoglu appears to challenge the prevailing optimism surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and its economic impact. While many experts predict a future fuelled by AI-driven productivity booms and reduced inequality, Acemoglu’s research paints a more cautious picture. His findings suggest that AI’s impact on productivity and inequality may be far less dramatic than anticipated, and could even exacerbate the gap between the rich and the poor.

Skills 69
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5 Warnings Signs That You’re About To Be Fired


Declines in industry health, company financial instability, budget cuts, and departmental reorganizations are major warning signs of potential layoffs. Shifts in company culture, exclusion from key meetings, increased workplace gossip, and changes in managerial attitudes can indicate looming job risks. There are eight ways to mitigate the risk of job loss.

Gossip 280
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Most Of The Highest-Paying Jobs Are No Longer Remote Or Hybrid


Although there is a strong employee demand across the workforce for high-paying hybrid and fully remote positions, they have become a rare find in 2024. Recent research published by Ladders , a career site specializing in six-figure jobs, has revealed that nearly none of the highest-paying jobs are available as remote or hybrid positions. This trend is a 180-degree turn compared to the flexibility observed in the job market just a year ago.

2024 279
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Adam Neumann Finally Admits Defeat


Adam Neumann, the cofounder and ex-CEO of WeWork, has officially abandoned his very public attempt to repurchase the office-sharing giant. Neumann, who resigned as CEO in 2019 amid controversy over WeWork’s failed IPO and scrutiny of its internal business practices, criticized the company’s new direction as he seemingly called it quits this week.

2019 279
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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Managers Aren’t Doing a Good Job at Recognizing Their Teams’ Efforts – Most Employees Agree


There is a significant disconnect between how managers perceive their leadership and how employees experience it. This disparity was uncovered in a recent study published by Gallup , and the data shows an urgent need for organizations to invest in developing managerial skills that go beyond basic tasks. The study, which surveyed 2,729 managers and 12,710 individual contributors across the United States, highlights several key areas where managers excel and where they falter.

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PwC Becomes First Major Reseller of ChatGPT Enterprise for Businesses


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has entered a major partnership with OpenAI, becoming the largest enterprise customer and first reseller of OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise product. This collaboration is part of a broader trend where large businesses are increasingly adopting generative artificial intelligence (genAI) into business-wide workflows. The Wall Street Journal reports that PwC plans to deploy ChatGPT Enterprise across its workforce — which includes 75,000 employees in the U.S. and 2

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Thailand Luring Digital Nomads With Sweeping Visa Reforms


Thailand announced on Tuesday that it is extending visa durations and improving conditions for different groups including digital nomads, tourists, postgraduate students, and retirees. The decision was a part of a series of visa reforms announced by the Thai government that are designed to attract more visitors and retain foreign talent. It’s reported by Reuters that, starting in June , travelers from 93 countries will be able to stay in Thailand for up to 60 days.

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Rigid Return-to-Office Mandates Harm Retention and Productivity, Research Shows


Greater flexibility and the increasing demand for better work-life balance have become influential factors for employee satisfaction and retention across the workforce. Research published by Great Place To Work reveals employees who have the option to choose between onsite, remote, or hybrid work are 14 times less likely to “quit and stay” — a term used to describe employees who remain at their jobs but are disengaged.

Policies 246
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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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Los Angeles Tops List of U.S. Cities with Most Suburban Coworking Spaces


This year, suburban coworking spaces are emerging as hubs for professionals seeking flexible work environments outside traditional city centers. This trend, which gained momentum during the pandemic, shows no signs of slowing down, with suburban areas now accounting for 45% of all coworking spaces in the United States, according to a report published by Coworking Cafe.

Temping 244
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Virginia Tops 2024 List of Best States for Remote Work


Virginia is emerging as a premier state for remote workers in 2024. Business Insider recently published an analysis of data from Desky , an ergonomic furniture maker, which identified the top 10 U.S. states for remote work based on job openings, internet speeds, and electricity costs. Virginia boasts an average internet speed of 505.6 Mbps, an electricity cost of 12.4 cents per kilowatt-hour, and 23 remote job openings per 10,000 people, according to the report.

2024 233
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Citigroup Mandates Full-Time Office Return for 600 Employees Amid Regulatory Changes


Citigroup has mandated that 600 of its U.S. employees, who were previously eligible for remote work, must return to the office full-time. This decision reflects broader regulatory changes affecting Wall Street banks and shows the ongoing tension between flexible work arrangements and more stringent industry oversight. According to a report published by Reuters , The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is also set to reinstate pre-pandemic rules that require more rigorous monitor